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Lawsuit by Chicago Tribune staffers claims race and sex discrimination

来源:Global Grandstand news portal编辑:business时间:2024-06-03 21:07:11

CHICAGO (AP) — The Chicago Tribune is being sued by some of its staffers, who say they and other women and Black journalists are being paid less than their white male counterparts.

The complaint filed Thursday in federal court in Chicago also names Tribune Publishing Co. and Alden Global Capital, which took control of the Tribune in 2021.

Attorneys for the seven plaintiffs want class-action status, a jury trial and a permanent injunction against unequal pay based on sex and race discrimination. It also seeks all the back pay that affected employees should have received had they been paid the same as white males in similar jobs.

“This isn’t just about reporters wanting more money,” said Michael Morrison, an attorney representing the Tribune reporters. “This is about equality and fairness.”

The lawsuit says the Tribune employs highly-regarded journalists with individualized talents, experiences, and contributions, but across each section of the company’s news operation, “women and African American employees are underpaid by several thousands of dollars a year compared to their male and white counterparts.”

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